Covid19 update from halo
halo is open and fully operational
As we continue to feel our way through these unprecedented and strange times, it now becomes clearer that the situation will continue to be uncertain for some time yet. In moments like these, clear communication of facts is vital, so I want to reassure all our clients and partners that halo will continue to be a solution-focused team who will do all they can to deliver productions on time and on budget. Yes, it’s all very new and different, but we’re good at this stuff and here to help in any way we can.
You’ll understand that one of our primary obligations is the well-being of our team. We will not take risks with people’s health so we are limiting physical attendance at our facilities to just the key technical staff who keep the engine-room running. This inevitably means things will not be ‘normal’ during this period of disruption and we’ll all need to work together to achieve our goals in new and creative ways. This will require lots of patience and flexibility – but no problem is too big when there’s a determination to find a solution.
We have remote solutions for all post-production processes and can continue to provide offline, online, audio or grade, up to UHD. We’re already running 90% of our client workload remotely and can honour all our existing obligations from offline through to finishing post and delivery.
In short, we are open for business and are continuing to start new jobs under ‘lockdown’ conditions. Whether you need a fast-turnaround or a long-haul edit, we will have a solution for you.
The halo team are still working (albeit remotely) so give us a call or email – whether you’re an existing client or not. Our advice is free and if we can’t help you ourselves we’ll point you in the right direction.
Contact halo 0207 292 8000 or sales@halopost.com
John Rogerson, CEO
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