Fight The Power is a four part documentary series developed and produced by Chuck D, founding member of Public Enemy and Prophets of Rage. From the origins of hip hop, and with archive and interviews with those who were there from the beginning, the series tracks the cultural phenomenon of this art form and marks its impact on social history in America, giving a voice to marginalised and ignored minority communities.
Halo provided full Picture and Sound Post Production.
Exec Producer: Anna Sadowy / Chuck D / Lorrie Boura / Sam Emmery / Daneille Peck
Colourist: Katherine Jamieson/ Paul Koren
Online Editor: Adam Hall
Dubbing Mixer: Gerrit Swanepoel
Post Producer: Stephen Morrison
Sales Exec: Will Garbutt
Fight the Power airs on BBC TWO Saturday 21st January 21:00 and available on iPlayer