This amazing new documentary tells the life story of Paul O’Grady, and his most famous legendary creation Lily Savage.
The Life and Death of Lily Savage tells the story of decades of hard graft bringing Lily from the fringes of London’s gay counterculture into the heart of the nation’s living rooms.
Halo provided full Picture and Sound Post Production.
Colourist: Karl Barnes-Dallas Said… “It was a real joy working with Sam Anthony on Lily Savage as he allowed a lot of creative freedom working on the images in a way to match the personality of Paul/Lily through the ages from grungy film in the 70s to modern day footage, to create a tonally fun, cheeky and honest bit of TV about Lily.”
Online Editor: Adam Hall
Dubbing Mixer: Ross Millership
Post Producer: Karen Kavanagh & Nicole Bailey
Sales Exec: Matt Locke
The Life and Death of Lily Savage will be on ITV at 9.00 on 29th March.