Proud sponsors of London South Bank University’s Graduate Awards
Halo are delighted to be sponsoring London South Bank University’s final year student award for Best Editing. Congratulations to this year’s graduate winner Iona Prior for her amazing work on Aubade. Judging and presenting the award were halo’s senior colurist Katherine Jamieson and Head of Film David Turner.
“The winning entry was a very well executed and accomplished project“, commented David Turner, “the editing felt both natural and well-paced, showing excellent technical and creatives adeptness, and seamlessly complementing the story being told”. Halo will continue its partnership with LSBU by offering students work experience as part of their wider efforts in supporting young and up and coming talent within the film industry. The graduate award ceremony was held at NFT1 on BFI Southbank. Other sponsors for the awards include the BFI and Edinburgh TV Festival.
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